Get the right ‘Support’ - Whether you keen for the new academic year or not, you’ll feel far more supported in the right bra!
It’s that time of year again. Everyone is heading back to school or uni. We know we have to make sure we have the books, the technology, the uniforms, the shoes, the bags…but how often do we remember the bras?
Mums, girls, teens, ladies, whoever you are, DON’T FORGET THE BRAS!
Perhaps you’ve not thought about heading to Big Girls Don’t Cry Anymore for your school aged daughter or maybe you’re at uni and have never been fitted before. Well, this is your chance! Everyone needs to be fitted properly and at Big Girls Don’t Cry Anymore we have the trained staff to help you. Our sizes start at a 6D so we do supply stock for a smaller, ‘curvy’ girl, and our sizing goes all the way up to a 36K, so we're sure to be able to help you out. But, even if we don’t have a size that can fit you or your daughter, we’re happy to help you out with a professional fitting, with younger staff who’ll make you or your daughter feel really comfortable about the whole experience. We’re in the business of Sharing the Love of a Great Fitting Bra and everyone should start the academic year off on the right…fit? (You see what I did there?!?)
So, don’t wait, get into Big Girls Don’t Cry Anymore and get fitted, we’re located at 1a/1806 Sandgate Rd, Virginia and open from 9 – 5pm EVERYDAY, heaps of time to get there after school!
(Our professional fitters will help you find the support you need)